Find great deals for Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich by Adam Rex (2006, Hardcover). Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich (starred review) Here s a readaloud candidate sure to clicit loud screamsbut not of fright. Buy Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich Reprint by Adam Rex (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Readers will enjoy this book of humorous poems about famous monsters such as Dracula, the Invisible Man, the Phantom of the Opera, and Bigfoot. Frankenstein Takes the Cake Mar 14, 2014Mrs. Nicholas' 2nd grade class from Roosevelt elementary in Selma California, performing at the 56th annual Peach Blossom festival held at Fresno State. The True Meaning of Smekday ADAM REX is the author and illustrator of PSSST! , TREE RING CIRCUS, FRANKENSTEIN TAKES THE CAKE, and The New York Times bestseller FRANKENSTEIN MAKES A SANDWICH. About this title may belong to another edition of this title. Unlucky Charms Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich by Adam Rex; published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; Boston; copyright 2016 1. Awards the book has received: This book has not received any awards yet. Appropriate grade level(s): This book is appropriate for first grade through fourth grade. Hyperbole be damned Adam Rexs Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich and Frankenstein Takes the Cake are seriously the best Halloween books for kids EVER. The title poem sets the parodic tone. Frankenstein's monster, pursued by torchbearing villagers, feels sad to be despised: 'They threw tomatoes, pigs, potatoes, loaves of moldy bread. And then a thought struck Frankenstein as pickles struck his head. ' Instead of pitying himself, he thanks the mob and makes a Dagwood sandwich. School's First Day of School Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich. Illustrator Rex has just as much fun with the pictures as author Rex does with the poems about monsters. We've seen Frankenstein many times before, but it took Adam Rex to capture the goofyfaced, kindhearted, softheaded simp behind the legend. Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich by Adam Rex available in Trade Paperback on Powells. com, also read synopsis and reviews. A hilarous look at the daytoday life of the. Ebook Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich by Adam Rex Read online Now, I have read many picture books that were not only funny for children, but also funny for adults and I. The Paperback of the Frankenstein Takes the Cake by Adam Rex at A snortinducing companion to 2006's Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich, Rex's return to horror. The Paperback of the Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich by Adam Rex at Barnes Noble. Buy a cheap copy of Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich book by Adam Rex. Being a monster isnt all frightening villagers and sucking blood. Monsters have their trials, too. Readers will relish every gross and hilarious entry in this monstrous menu of misadventures, from the towering appetizer concocted by Frankensteina greenskinned. Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich: And Other Stories You're Sure to Like, because they're all about Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich went on to become a New York Times best seller. and the illustrated novel The True Meaning of Smekday were. Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich [Adam Rex on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. Being a monster isn't all frightening villagers and sucking blood. Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich by Adam Rex starting at 0. Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich has 2 available editions to buy at Alibris