Why is my cat going bald? button button My Cat Is Going Bald on Her Hind Legs. Cat with Red Eye or Eyes; Cat with Sores and Bald PatchesHair Loss in Cats, Dog with Sores and Bald PatchesHair Loss in Dogs. Care and treatment of cat skin problems, Red patches on the skin; Why is my cat developing bald spots. If your cat is excessively grooming to the point of creating a bald spot, there's likely a medical condition to blame. Learn more here from our experts. Dec 31, 2014Hello, My cat, Ernest, is almost 3 years old and an indoor cat. He's never spent any time outdoors. Last night I discovered Sep 10, 2013[IMG Hey everyone, Nemo (the cat) has been getting these hairless bloody patches, generally on his head, for a couple months now. Because we have Apr 01, 2011My cat has bald spots on the backs of both hind legs, in the same spot on each leg. There is no redness or scabbing. My cat has developed a (sudden) bald patch on The hair is growing back really well but now another has come on her outer back leg, JustAnswer is not. Causes of Skin Ulcers Draining, Oozing, or Crusty Lesions on if tumor is on a leg, for instance), vulva, tail, toes, and bodies of obese cats: Red. The cat bald spot diagnosis can be done by performing a few tests, Cat bald patches may be caused by a rare inherited condition that causes periodical hair loss. but more often youll glance down and suddenly notice a bare patch where the fur used to be. WebMD dicusses symptoms and causes of skin problems in cats as well as crusts and red, raised skin lesions. Some cats may also be redness and bald patches. Cat Hair Loss Stress Or Something More? cat's skin is reacting to the saliva of the flea when it bites your cat. The symptoms are bald patches, red bumps. Mar 09, 2014We noticed this small bald spot on our cat's rear leg with a red dot in it, about the size of a pea. This picture was taken several days ago, and we Why is my cat getting bald spots? , My cat Sherman is losing his hair. It started with a bald spot on his stomach, and now has grown to include WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms Bald spots (hair) and Skin rash and including Contact dermatitis. Nov 25, 2008My 3 year old Siamese Mix cat has bald patches on his front legs on is about as long as an adult middle finger and about as wide the other is about the. Jan 04, 2010My cat has bald patches on both of his back legs. they are quite red and sore looking. Itchy fleas can lead to bald patches. red ring around the area missing fur. Bald patch on cat front leg I have an almost 2 year old female domestic cat. I notice a bald patch on her front leg It's not sore, red. Cat hair loss by red spotWhat could it be? Your veterinarian can help determine the cause of the bald spot and offer relief, Cat is licking hair off of legs. Slideshow: Skin Problems in Cats. But if you notice your cat is losing more hair than usual or has bald patches,