Scroll down the menu until you see the MEP number. An example of an MEP number looks like this: MEP or MEPxxxxxxxxx; You have now found the MEP number on your phone. Write it down and send it to your unlocking service with the IMEI and PRD numbers to guarantee a 100 correct unlock code. The PRD number can also be seen on Device Information screen menu. Hi Is it possible to convert rdv to prd? i have blackberry 9900 with rdv and would like the prdmep number? i have read phone engineering screen menu and. Jun 19, 2012free blackberry unlock, one minute blackberry unlock code, find imei prd code, no mep id Look at most relevant How to convert prd to mep websites out of 7. How to convert prd to mep found at angi0. BlackBerry New Method: IMEI PRD BlackBerry, Code of any BlackBerry using the tool BlackBerry Calculator by PRD to IMEI MEP method as you. From MEP PRD MEP PRD MEP PRD MEP PRD BlackBerry; HTC; Huawei; LG. Free download blackberry convert prd mep Files at Software Informer. Aimersoft DVD to BlackBerry Converter is a professional DVD to BlackBerry Converter that helps. admin Related Posts How to unlock iPhone 8 iPhone 8 Plus iPhone X. How to unlock iPhone 8 iPhone 8 Plus iPhone X. Blackberry unlock code Order Your Unlock Code Now Only US0. 99 unlock your blackberry phone to any GSM network instantly Find MEP From PRD Number PRD Product Requirements Document are identity numbers that are needed for blackberry unlock, you can get MEP code free from PRD number for free unlock Jul 19, 2011How to find your Blackberry MEP code FIND IMEI PRD CODE, NO MEP ID How to find your Blackberry MEP code with and without software and get. Every BlackBerry phone has a PRD number which can be find on the label inside the phones battery compartment, see below. Look for PRDXXXXXXXX number in the white label on the back. Select your phone's PRD number from the dropdown list below to display the correct MEP number. ENTER THE PRD OR THE MEP The PRD number is under the battery If that does not work with the PRD, you can try with the MEP number To read the Blackberry MEP with USB. For Blackberry models 9360, 9380, 9790, 9810, 9850, 9860, 9900, 9930 Click Here. Find MEP from your phones PRD number. Finding BlackBerry MEP ID code, How do I find my MEP ID Find MEP from your phones PRD number. Every BlackBerry phone has a PRD number which can be find on the. mep code to prd code conversion list prd prd prd prd prd prd prd prd prd. May 20, 2015Hi all i have a list of Blackberry PRDs but dont have this one. can anyone convert this PRD to MEP please? the Prd is Thank you very much in Stage 1: If you have a PC only, then download and install the BlackBerry USB Drivers. Stage 2: Download and unzip the relevant software for your computer Microsoft Windows MEP Reader or Mac OS X MEP Reader. Stage 3: Connect the phone to your computer using the USB cable. Stage 4: Start the software, and click on Read BlackBerry Handset Info Retrieve your Blackberry MEP Code Method. Unlock instantly online blackberry unlock codes (MEP 2 and MEP4) instantly using IMEI and PRD or MEP. Blackberry Unlock Code Calculator. prd mep BlackBerry CODE CALCULATOR free, without limitation, online for 2 seconds. BlackBerry Unlocking Software is now FREE. Hi all i have a list of Blackberry PRDs but dont have this one. can anyone convert this PRD to MEP please? the Prd is Thank you very much in advance Look at most relevant Convert mep to prd websites out of 20. Convert mep to prd found at digitalkaos. com