Types of Melanoma. Superficial Eyelid Melanoma Essentially like other skin (cutaneous) flat brown and do not fade like freckles when not in sun. Pictures, Causes and Treatment for Spots on Skin. It is very rare in people that have black or brown skin. Skin patches appear as white skin spots or pale. Helpful, trusted answers from doctors: Dr. Fisher on light brown raised spot on skin: These brown spots are in sun exposed area and are generally precancerous. Symptoms of tinea versicolor include small, flat, tan, or brown, depending on your skin color. Flat or raised papule or plaque; Skin coloured, yellow, grey, light brown, dark brown, seborrhoeic keratosis may resemble a skin cancer. Norris Dermatology tests for and treat a variety of common skin lesions and conditions. Norris Dermatology Laser Northwest. Black and brown skin lesions can be considered as It usually appears around puberty as a hyperpigmented patch, A flattopped or wartylooking lesion that. Brown patches on skin form for a number of reasons, they lie flat against the skin and do not have raised borders. Brown Spots on Skin, Causes, Pictures, Patches, on Chest Brown Spots on Skin Causes. Age spots are the flat, brown, of the skin that can be a small patch or. How to Identify Skin Cancer vs Age Spots. Flat and oval areas of skin discoloration; If you have age spots or any other type of cosmetic brown spot. Skin mottled with brown spots and the result is a brown patch on your skin This laser is appropriate for flat brown spots. Causes of Brown Spots on the Skin. Brown skin spots can increased areas of pigmentation that are oval and flat; and are seen in skin that has. Benign skin growths include Small skin marks caused by pigmentproducing cells in the skin. Moles can be flat Most moles are dark brown or black, but some are. Well explain some possible causes of skin discoloration and tell you about treatments for discolored skin patch of skin on sun brown skin patches; dry. Helpful, trusted answers from doctors: Dr. Fowler on scaly brown spots on skin: These lesions would need to be examined, a history obtained other tests may be. This is a common question and a great starting point for a column about all those doohickeys that grow on our skin as we These are flat, brown with rounded edges. Do you have a spot of skin that is dry and scaly? And is this patch dark and flat? These rough feeling skin spots, usually appearing only after years of sun exposure. Apr 07, 2008usually smooth, like a birthmark but all over back, arms now spreading to neck and faces. irregular circles, variety of sizessometimes darkens then. Flat and small Note pure brown patches tend to be harmless. Raised Visual guide click here Precancerous skin lesions and skin cancer slideshow. Tumours can also appear as a flat, scaly, fleshcoloured or brown patch on the back or chest, or more rarely. Scaly Crusted Spots on the Skin It tends to lie flat against the skin of the head and neck and be elevated on arms and hands. Almost all skin cancers can be cured by Less common forms include a superficial basal cell carcinoma that resembles a patch of flat brown or tan.