If you havent had a chance to stumble over to Text From Dog yet, we highly suggest doing so ASAP! As the title of the blog suggests, the owner receives texts. 422, 195 likes 1, 100 talking about this. ), customize everything, and find and follow what you love. Create your own Tumblr blog today. Texts from Dog is a single topic blog featuring a series of fictional chat logs that supposedly take place between U. based blogger October Jones and his pet bulldog. Best Of, Texts From Dog 25 Pics. tagged with Texts From Dog 25 Pics. Funny Pictures; Search for: Sign up to receive our latest picture dumps in your. The Paperback of the Texts from Dog by October Jones at Barnes Noble. Text From My Dog Is The Best Tumblr About Text Messages From A Dog Ever FREE Shipping on Qualifying orders. Texts from Dog DaytoDay Calendar features an imaginary and creative SMS exchange between Dog and his owner, October Jones. Buy Texts From Dog by October Jones (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. See, thats what the app is perfect for. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I dont wanna Have you ever wondered what your dog is thinking while you're away? Imagine if you could give your pup a cell phone. What kind of messages would your dog send. Celebrity squares: Dog the star of Text From Dog takes time out from annoying his owner to give his thoughts on technology and bacon Texts from Dog 2017 DaytoDay Calendar [October Jones on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. What would it be like if dogs could speak? Oct 25, 2012Texts from Dog has 759 ratings and 96 reviews. karen said: yes, it's true i am reviewing ANOTHER one of these silly little humor books instead of the 1 I love these so much and my dad laughs to. There was quite a few that made me laugh so hard! : ) Dogs are considered by many to be man's best friend, and many of us love to wonder about exactly what our loyal and energetic companions are thinking about or I absolutely love dogs! Anyone who has ever had the privilege of living with a dog will be able to relate to these funny messages created by the author of Texts From Dog My dog sends me texts. When October Jones figured out he could send text messages to himself on his mobile phone, he naturally decided that the best. Texts From Dog is a brilliant book written by October Jones. It captures hilarious conversations between owner and his dog. Texts from Dog [October Jones on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. Texts From Last Night: Remember that text you shouldn't have sent last night? Weve published many list of funny texts in the past: text from parents, funny responses to a wrong number text, the funniest text message pranks and more, but we